One of our family's offhand pastimes is thinking of the name for our next dog. We've been doing this wordplay for years, and it always becomes a hilarious exercise in general goofiness.
One of the names that always gets us going, is "Laughing Gravy." That's a dog name in a Laurel & Hardy movie! Inevitably one of us will remember that, which makes the others laugh.
Other names we've had:
- Nabisco ...(DS thought this up in kindergarten!)
- Capernicus ...(DS just gave this one!)
- Bezoar
- Acorn ...(a past pet)
- Jupiter ...(a past pet)
- Solomon ...(a past pet)
- Jellybean ...(our current older dog)
- Bruce ...(kidding, we're not into people names for our pets)
- Sweet Potato
- Blueberry
- Pistachio
- Mango
Why is it so funny to name your dog after a food? I don't know the answer to that, but it works for this family every time!
And...I usually come up with interchangeable names for the pets we already have. We actually CALL the dogs all these names. Like my puppy (whose name is "Fizz") gets called:
- Fuzzy Fuzzpants
My Furry Friend
My Fuzzy Friend
Puppah Fez ...(like "Boba Fet," heh)
The Fizzer
My Furry Dogmother ...(an Aimonym)
Furry Furpants
Furry & Cute, Fuzzy & Sweet, Hairy & Nice, Wooly & Black, Cuddly & Fluffy
- (that's ONE name, folks!)
Or, our older dog, whose name is "Jellybean", aka:
- Boopy
Boopy the Good Girl
Foo Foo
Poo Poo
Foofoopoopoocoocoodoodoo ...(heh)
Jelly Beanie
This is a very neat-appearing dishcloth! I might try one of these...
I'd love to make this coconut candy. Her presentation is beautiful too!
And, for an autumn sewing project, this Acorn is super cute! I really love the acorn motif, and have slowly collected things of that nature. I'll have to pull out some of my objects and share them with you, like Acornbud has done! (scroll down the page to view!)
Happy Autumn!
That baby jumper is very cute. You always find the best pattern :)
Funny names! All our dogs start with D and all our cats start with P. We had a kitty Pistachio. But we have funny nicknames, too.
Funny names! Our dogs are currently Old Crazy Dog (OCD) and Young Crazy Dog (YCD) :)
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