Saturday, December 13, 2008


Yuck. Yucky yuck. DH and I drove around all day in cold damp sleet and ice and rain and snow. If it weren't for the holiday spirit and the goal-oriented stops we made, I would have been a grumpy, grouchy soul under the dull gray sky.

Now the rain/sleet is changing into big fluffy snowflakes. My dogs came in from outdoors looking like frosted cupcakes =D

And I sit here with a glass of Two-Buck Chuck Merlot, eating Almond Roca (did you know those go together?) enjoying a happy buzz. I love being indoors in the winter, being cozy and warm and with a full tummy, and having some free time.

Gift knitting drags along. Unfortunately one gift will not be even half done by Christmas. Oh, well. Best laid plans, and all that. But the Moderne Log Cabin blankie is in its final quarter. I'm gonna get that sucka done on time!

I am not nearly done shopping for gifts. I wish I had all the time in the world to make things for people. But I also love my job. There's just no easy way for me to adjust it seems. Sigh.

But, reminding myself what this season is about will keep the worries in their proper priority. We are healthy, and safe this holiday season. DD has not yet been deployed to the middle east. For this I am heartily thankful.

May your Christmas be very special, a time to be with family and forge the links of love. May the Light that is Jesus shine upon you, and bring you and yours peace.

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