Thursday, August 7, 2008

Summer dreams

Wierd skinny fish (?eel) on the reef in Maui.(click for closeup)

I love the summertime. I wish it could go on and on forever! Especially when the weather is like this. Temperate with a breeze, so you can have the windows open and airflow throughout the house. I long for that in the middle of winter, when the house is shut up so tight and the heater is on. It feels great to open a window once in a while then, and recall the fresh air in your home!

I think that's why I want to move to Hawaii. I want to be able to have my windows open and the fresh sea air blowing through year round. Man that would rock!!!

Sigh. I'll just have to store up the memories of soft summer breezes brushing the skin, the sound of cicadas and crickets at night, the colors of flowers and the green, green, green of the plants, so that I can recall them in the cold hard winter. Just like Frederick in "Frederick" by Leo Lionni, one of my most favorite books ever. This book was so special to me as a child, and I used to read it to my kids, too. Like the Dr. Seuss books, it left a lasting impression!

It's almost Friday, thank God for miracles :D I had a very, very, very long week at work (the boss is gone again), but happily that's almost over. And each time I'm left on my own it gets easier, it's not nearly so stressful as in the past.

Here's a first: on my way to an appointment this morning, driving much farther than I ever do on a normal work day, I got stuck at many traffic lights. I had my Moderne Log Cabin project with me in the car, so I kept it on my lap while driving, and knit on it while stopped at each light. Who cares how many red lights you get when you have your knitting with you?!! That was a fun realization! :D

Knit on, dreamers of yarny dreams!


Mary Anne said...

ah summer. Your words are very descriptive of all the sweet memories of summer and special holidays.

Frederick - I don't know anyone else who has read that book! I found it in a bookstore about 10 years ago and I've cherished it ever since and keep it on my bedside table. I love the story.

Judy R. said...

I am always looking for new books to read.
I recently joined "goodreads" just for that reason.
It's a cool place to see what other people recommend.
So, anyway, I appreciate you mentioning your favorite, I will definitely check it out!