Two dumpsters later, two attics and a boathouse later, there is still so much stuff to be dealt with, it's incredible! I cannot stress HOW. MUCH. STUFF:
The moral of the story? DON'T LEAVE IT ALL FOR YOUR KIDS TO DEAL WITH! Let go of things for their sake, before you have a boathouse full of cast-off lumber, metal pipe-fittings, receipts, bottle caps, stamps, craft supplies, garden implements, doors, windows, cast off furniture, and decades of squirrel nests and dung that are gonna cause grief to your loved-ones. (There wasn't even a boat in the boathouse!)
While it was fun to see the antiques buried away,
I need to recuperate, though I only helped out physically for one sad weekend. I have strep throat, too, with that perfect timing that only illness can make. Looking forward to Memorial Day Weekend.
p.s. I started a shrug last week on my giant needles that I will show you once I get back to it....

Hi Aim! Sorry to hear you have had a loved one pass away and are having to deal with all that stuff. It is sad that you have to lose a home that has been a big part of your family for nearly a century!
Thanks for the comment on my blog. I hope you do pick up your tatting shuttle at tat away!
I'd love to know what you make when you do tat something up. :)
I'm sorry for your loss! It's hard to sift through what has been in the family for decades. And to be sick on top of that is the worst! Hope you are feeling better soon and that the sorting gets easier.
I feel for you right now. That is such a tough thing to be going through and on top of it being sick! Hang in there and know that I'm thinking of you:-)
I'm sorry to hear about your grandfather. I can imagine what the lake house looked like after 90
years of collecting, it's scary what I can accumulate in a single year.
Thank you all, I appreciate your good thoughts!
A lot of love, good times and memories. 90 years of stuff! Wow. Hope you feel better soon.
Sorry to hear of your loss. Today is Mother's Day and this is my first year without my mom. It is tough. I found your site looking at your crocheting. Seems we have a similiar interest. I love to crochet. My mom enjoyed shawls that I would make her with beads in them. Have to find someone to make things for now. You do beautiful work. Like the white with pink trim baby sweater. It looks so vintage.
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