I love this holiday, it has always meant family, swimming, cookouts and summer. My grampa's B-day was the 4th, but he passed last year...so in memory of him, I made this 4th of July Doily (it's unblocked in that photo). The pattern is from OrientalMom's crochet Holiday doily collection on Ebay.
Lace-mania: I have made a doily a week since my stay-cation in early June! Just before that, I made a pineapple lace curtain panel for my kitchen window--we just had the pear tree chopped down, so we really needed privacy and a bit of a screen for the brightness!
Next, I made a snowflake doily from one of my Japanese books:
Then, my own Shabby Chic! An Elizabeth Hiddleson design from book #6, quite the ordeal this one was:
I ran out of thread on the body of the doily, and since the thread was leftover from probably 10 years ago, I just looked for something in my stash of similar weight. But the color was off...
I blocked and dried it, then started making the flowers! Wheew, but quite happy with the results :)
Last week I finished this daisy doily, from an old issue of Magic Crochet magazine. It was supposed to be a sunflower, but I don't have those colors, so I used what I had.
After that episode, I tested the dark blue and red for my Independence Day Doily, and was very happy they were colorfast in hot water. I always wash my laces in hot water, and sometimes even throw them in the dryer. I like when they shrink up as much as they will...call me crazy!
Til next time!
Happy knitting and crocheting!
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Wow, those are gorgeous! I really love the red, white and blue one.
Its looking really really nice...
thanks for link.(",)
So many beautiful projecxts! Your talent shines through.
Those all are looking to cool...
I suggest this site to my friends so it could be useful & informative for them also. Great effort.(",)
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