A dental crown put in, a surgery, a full moon, a couple of Betty Neels novels, and that caps my week! Whew! I spent the day post-op on a lounge chair on my flagstone patio, knitting and reading Robin Cook's "The Cure." I used to love his books before my career in medicine...let's see if I still do! (But I do loves me some sweet, sweet Betty Neels)
I resumed working on a scarf that is a copycat Sea Lettuce Scarf (Rav link). I wanted to try to figure it out on my own, and so far I like it a lot. I hope-hope-hope I have enough yarn in that one ball of bamboo silk to make a decent length.
I have been adjusting to cooking for one, though occasionally DS will eat what I make. Can you believe an Italian kid won't eat any form of pasta?! Even when it is wrapped around meat, and there's meat in the sauce! Sheesh. But I remember how I ate at 22!
I have been using my Vitamix again; very handy for the cooking-for-1 quandary I find myself in. I was just at the same conference where I bought mine last year, and watched their demos again and got inspired. I got a smaller blender container this time (again, the "for-1" theme) and I already lost 3 lbs drinking a smoothie a day since then!!! Smoothie flavor of the week: cherry-plum-banana. MMMMMMMM. Don't forget the yogurt and the flax-seed. With either OJ or water to help start it off, this tastes great, and doesn't need sweetening. (Sometimes I even use leftover coffee as a liquid base, just a bit, and it gives the fruit smoothie an earthy component. Yum)
This weekend is already beautiful and warm! Just went outside under the gorgeous full moon while my doggie tinkled. Late October in Chicago is not usually this balmy; I'm so happy it coincides nicely with a weekend! Though post-op I will likely not be doing too much yard work :( I still have so much left to do out there....Plenty to do inside though, and I could paint some of my bits & pieces of furniture (which would get me outside!) I have to go to the farmer's market and get some different fruits for my smoothies. I want to try making applesauce too, and apple-carrot juice is the bomb!
Or, I could just lay around in the sun and read :D
Happy Autumn, y'all and Happy Weekend!